
Trakya University School of Foreign Languages was established at Trakya University with the regulation of Council of Ministers on 30. 09. 2005 (Additional Article 30 of the Law no. 2809 dated 28. 03. 1983), and upon the decision of the collection of Compulsory and Optional Preparatory Classes of English and German Languages with the framework of the School of Foreign Languages ( the Law No. 3 of the Senate meeting dated 03. 03. 2006), it has begun its activities since the academic year 2006-2007. In the same academic year, in order to meet the need of multi-lingual specialists, the Department of Translation and Interpretation in German and English was established and students were enrolled.

Being the border of Balkan countries necessitated the opening of programs that highlighted the languages of neighboring countries along the two programs in German and English. In this context, as a second step, the Department of Bulgarian Translation and Interpretation and the Departments of Balkan Languages; Bulgarian, Albanian, Bosnian and Greek were established and students were accepted into these programs from 2007-2008 academic year. In addition, the departments of Romanian and Russian were founded, but the educational activities could not be carried on actively.

These departments were later included in the Faculty of Science and Letters in accordance with the Law of Higher Education Council dated 07. 02. 2008, and the Department of Croatian Language and Literature was also added to these existing programs in the academic year of 2009-2010. At the same time, in accordance with the Law of General Council of Higher Education dated 03. 09. 2008, it was decided to establish the Department of Foreign Languages within the School of Foreign Languages and the Department of Armenian Language was decided to be established within this department, but this department was included in the Faculty of Science and Letters in 2012-2013 academic year.

Today, within the scope of compulsory preparatory education at the School of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Education English and German Teaching, Faculty of Literature German, Bulgarian and English Translation and Interpretation Departments, Faculty of Engineering Mechanical Engineering, Electrical-Electronics Engineering students and optional preparatory education program students are provided with preparatory education at A1, A2, B1 and B2 levels according to European Common Language Framework ( CEFR).   

The aim of the foreign language preparatory program carried out at the School of Foreign Languages is to endow the students in the programs in which teaching in a foreign language within the scope of Trakya University with the competence to understand what they read and hear, to translate the texts into Turkish, to express themselves adequately in written and verbal language, to provide the necessary language communication in professional, cultural and social life. Preparatory Class Education is carried out in line with the European Language Teaching Framework Plan and books at A1, A2, B1 and B2 language levels are used.

At the School of Foreign Languages, at the beginning of each academic year, a Foreign Language Proficiency and Course Determination Exam is held for Preparatory Class students. Students are sectioned into A1, A2, B1 and B2 levels according to the scores they get in the exam.


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