Vision - Mission


To bring Trakya University School of Foreign Languages to the highest level of development in terms of student quality among the units of the School of Foreign Languages of universities in Turkey, to create a foreign language learning atmosphere that will contribute to the academic, social and cultural development of students as a 21st century global citizen. to train individuals who can use foreign languages effectively and competently, and thus to make it a unit preferred by students.


1. To continue the foreign language preparatory education and training activities in the faculties and colleges of our university effectively in a student-oriented and communicative environment by using current approaches and technologies within the scope of the European Languages Common Framework Program standards.

2. To provide our students with the basic foreign language skills they will need during their higher education education and in their future business life.

3. To train our students as self-confident and responsible individuals with strong social relations.

4. To equip students with the skills to read and think critically and to communicate with people from different cultures.

5. To contribute to the strengthening of cultural relations between Turkey and the Balkan countries through foreign language teaching.

6. Contributing to the increase in the number of qualified people in this field, based on the assumption that the number of qualified people speaking foreign languages should be at a higher level in our country.

This content was issued on 05.02.2014 and has been viewed for 3559 times.